No one likes canned laughter


Would you rather hear your own children, or grandchildren, laugh because they recognize what’s funny, or listen to the canned laughter recorded in a 1970s comedy? Are you tired of having to read the closed captioning rather than just listening to the dialogue? Do you frequently rewind video to answer “What did he say?” Using a modified technique that has made Kill the Cann patented processing so successful, we have shown, in the lab, that we can drastically improved the viewing experience. That processing needs to be further developed to be ported from the lab to a generic platform. If you might be interested in underwriting that further development, please contact us [see below.] When further developed, Kill the Cann technology will solve both. For a demonstration, go to

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Kill the Cann is looking for private investment to continue its development into full production.

If you think you might be that person, please let us know with the subject line “Interest” and your contact information to GeoffreyG<At> or JoelM<aT>

Not an investor, yourself? If you know someone who works in the development path of the cable television or streaming industry, or who works in an industry that produces electronic devices for the field of entertainment, direct them to Kill the Cann. “Matchmakers” will be financially rewarded for successful partnerships.

NEW: Kill the Cann audio engineers address obscured dialogue in a popular movie clip. See final examples in Hear it in Action.